Educational approaches, Philosophical perspectives on WIL, Societal impact through WIL, WIL as a research topic, WIL experiences

おはようGood morning!

It is 3 am and I am sitting in my living room, listening to the session “Experiences from CEWIL Canada, WIL and ACEN” at the WACE (World Association of Co-operative Education) conference. The three acronyms hold three giant networks focusing on work integrated learning around the globe. The conference should have been held in Kanazawa, Japan but due to the bug (COVID) it was moved on-line.

So even if traveling is not possible right now, we can still network and share knowledge. The three-day conference includes contributions such as “Ready talent for work”, “Quality and accreditation of WIL (with sustainable goals)”, “Work readiness”, “The employability agenda” and maybe the coolest title: “Use of an artificial intelligence based resume”.

A picture of my living room as I attend the early morning conference
My living room as I attend the early morning digital WIL-conference from Japan.

Some more words on WACE – at University West we have been a stakeholder since 1995, with different forms of engagements over the years. It is a semi-professional organization with the aim to promote and arrange learning events pinpointing work-integrated learning such as arrangement of network opportunities, global co-op places for students, conferences, institutes, webinars and much more.

In May 2021 we renewed the collaboration through a memorandum of understanding, stating: “As a WACE Regional host, University West agrees to complement, support and promote the globalization of CWIE through activities and events throughout the European region and to promote WACE membership to identified institutions within this and other regions of the world”.

That is my cue to leave now – a discussion on student engagement is just starting – why, how, and when does engagement emerge and why is that especially important within the WIL design will be elaborated. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!  

Kristina (Kicki) Johansson

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